Monday, May 25, 2020

Why I Didn t Be A Midwife - 1025 Words

I climbed our stairs around midnight, carefully and quietly. I knew Ben had already been asleep for a while and I didn t want to wake him up. I had just fed Brode and needed to get him all swaddled up before laying him down to sleep. As I placed my sweet son on the bed, wide-eyed and with a crooked smile, I starred at him and began to weep. The week prior, I had battled a particularly stubborn case of Mastitis and was on the tail end of recovery. I was concerned about the amount of time it was taking for the soreness to resolve and I was worried that I still had a clogged duct. I wanted to ask my friend, Emily, who is in her last year of grad school to become a midwife, and because I trust her with all my medical questions increasingly more that any doctor, about my slowly recovering Mastitis. After a quick discussion regarding lumps vs. ducts, she told me about two tragic stories of women who were seen postpartum for what they thought were clogged ducts, but happen to be stage 4 breast cancer. Later that day I heard of a woman who had passed the evening after she delivered happy and healthy twin babies, and after 6 years of infertility, from complications surrounding her c-section. My heart was heavy that day for these women I knew nothing about, except for their stories of pain and loss. That night as I looked down at my 2 1/2 month old baby boy, I played the movie. What if the lumps in my breast aren t glands, but cancer? What if I had stage 4 breast cancer? What ifShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between The Woman And Midwife1316 Words   |  6 PagesThorogood, Tracy, 2015). 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I currently operate a booming private practice

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